Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Just finished another all nighter. Man I hate Nutrition. Alcohol comes today, which makes me smile. Know what else makes me smile? Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy:
#76: If the Vikings were around today, they would probably be amazed at how much glow-in-the-dark stuff we have, and how we take so much of it for granted.
You said it Jack.
Yesterday I beat Dragon Quarter, the latest in the Breath of Fire series. Review forthcoming. For now, venting.
While studying for this latest Nutrition Test, I've developed a hatred for the material. Obviously I understand the real world applications of such information, but the fact is I don't give a god damn about my sodium intake, never in my life will I give a passing thought to whether or not my meal has adequate Magnesium, and 99% of the information on pregnancy makes shitty, disgusting dinner trivia. Thats important, because, lets face it, anything havinng to do with pregnancy is, to me, trivia. Whats the point of knowing trivial things if you can't say them over dinner and look smart? Nutrition falls into the category of material that I deem "Bathroom reading". The idea that my grades in college are somehow determined by a course the breadth of whose impact on my life amounts to eating salad more often seems ludicrous to me. Its not important information to me. It should not be treated as such. Perhaps if I were a Nutrition major, it would be ok for them to seriously consider my knowlege retention when assigning my grade. However, I am not and will never be a nutrition major. My apathy for the subject far exceeds my professor's enthusiasm. As such, I think, as long as I pass my assignments, I should be allowed to come in on finals day, play baseball with gerbils and GET A FUCKING A. The idea that this inane shit will affect me, even positively, is disgusting.
Whew, I think I'm done now. Later.
posted by David 5:46 AM