Tuesday, August 26, 2003
It's ten thrity-three. Scratch that. Ten thirty four. The air in this city I have loved strikes my palate like butane and cigarette butts this evening, rendering my attempts to walk with tortoise like hope away from my problems impotent. In my all-consuming drive to blame my frustrations and woes on some inescapable social entity, I have chosen, with hat-like precision, money.
But none of that has rats ass relevence to anything realistic, now does it?
So, now I adress that which has drawn me from the blissful drunken vacuousness of my everyday life and thrust me like mid 70's porn back into the eyes of the impressionable: the whiney bitching of viewers like you. Thats right kids, mean uncle David is writing this not because he wants to, not because he is compelled to, but because he's just too fucking tired of all the bitching not to. Daddy drinks because you cry.
So, you wanted a blog update, you fucking got it.
I spent the goddamned summer working for RSI (the goddamned trash company). The likeable people there were worthlessly dim and the intelligent ones were slimy enough to ice skate on sand paper. I bounced back and forth between bosses who wanted to bear my childer and erect monuments in my honor to co-workers so lame and helpless that they maddened me with their sheer ineffectuality. More than once I lost control of the twisted dark mass my mind has become and said things to them that startled, provoked, frightened, and confused them. Before me the were like quivering deer. Thats not the point though. The point is that the prospect of continued paychecks prevented me on several occasions from leaping over desks to strangle middle aged whores.
I suppose everyone (especially Chris Ha) knows that I am no longer dating Vanessa. All I have to say is, Chris, sorry you got dragged in. If there was anything more to say, I'd say it.
So, next.
I was dropped from my beautiful schedule because of a strategic miscalculation. See I assumed UT would be able to leave its own genitals alone long enough to do something logically. I think I must have been drunk when I reached that conclusion. At any rate, I came home on the tuition due date with the final check in the bank, ready to give all my hard earned money to a school that looks at me like a number, and, lo and behold, someone (heretofore known as "cocksucker") decided to put the cut off time at 5:00PM. I hadn't eve left my goddamned office at that point. So, bye bye beautiful schedule, hello late registration shit push. So, tomorrow I go to the first round of the classes I signed up for. I just have to remember to look up what they are before I go.
I'm tired, so fuck you very much, and goodnight.
posted by David 9:21 PM