Tuesday, September 09, 2003
I just read this quote on Stephanie Chen's blog. I find it funny, bordering on hilarious:
"You know what's even more annoying than little bugs?
I don't know, maybe I'm the only person that finds that funny.
So I just got back from being stuck manning the Theatre Guild booth at the West Mall today. It was great. Apparently, so long as anyone who knows anything about the guild is there, no one will approach the booth, let alone ask strange questions about the guild, but as soon as its just me, lock and load. I had a conversation with a large neanderthal in glasses that went as follows:
"Hey, interested in Theatre Guild?"
"Hmph. Is this club associated with the UT theatre department?"
"No, but everyone's welcome."
"Will you all be auditioning for parts soon?"
"Yes, in fact here, have a flyer. All information is on it."
"I see. How many people are expected to try out for the plays?"
"30 or 40, roughly"
"And how many parts are there?"
"Not sure, middle teens, I think."
"And how many of the parts usually go to theatre majors."
"Depends on how auditions go. Not many, I'd imagine, since they're usually in the minority."
David's thoughts: Excuse the fuck out of me you needy shit.
"Exactly how old is the theatre guild?"
David's thoughts: Old enough to have raped your mother while it was still pedophelia.
"I'm not sure, I know its old for a student run theatre organization. Very well established."
"I see"
"Basically, we take our productions seriously, but we're really out to have a good time. But hey, isn't everybody?"
"Hmph. Perhaps I'll go tomorrow and find out if its interesting or not."
David's thoughts: "Thats right, pick your unibrow up and drag your knuckles elsewhere you neolithic holier-than-thou futzpucker. And while you're out, shave your back. Don't throw that hair away though, its long enough to donate to young cancer patients."
My hateful rambling went on from there.
Anyway, I have a lot more to say, but I'll leave it at this. I now offer a real-time ranting service. Simply IM me at DerthDA using AOLIM and I'll be more than happy to spew forth hate, filth, depresion, and delirium.
posted by David 2:07 PM