Saturday, October 23, 2004
Sometimes it amazes me the way time moves.
Today is a Saturday near the end of October in the year 2004, over a year since my last submission. A great deal of things has happened in the last year. Old friends have changed, faded, or departed like fashions. Interests have continued to rotate and roll like a great wheel over the landscape of possibility; picking up bits and pieces of that over which it treads as it continues its endless rotation. I have been good to those who mean me harm, and harmed those who care for me most. Life, lackluster, has been lived.
That, however, is not why you who still do so check in on this blog.
I make no apologies for my year of absence, but, for reasons I simply don't care enough about you, the reader, to divulge, it has been made clear to me that more of this is neccessary.
In this, consider me my own herald. More is to come. This I promise.
posted by David 10:07 AM